Here are some simple, classic exercises to get you started:
Squat and Press
A full body move that will work everything from your major muscle groups, like your hamstrings and shoulders, to your minor stabilizing muscles. Do this move for a few days and feel enormous improvements in endurance and strength.

Side Plank with Arm Raise
Starting in regular plank position on your yoga mat, turn onto the side of your foot and your forearm. Once balanced, raise your other arm straight into the air. Looking up at this arm will help you maintain the position. This is great for every part of your body. Can especially whittle down those love handles and tone your back! Rotate from side to side.
Lunge with Bicep Curl
Just like the squat and press, doing a basic lung while again incorporating your arms is a great way to raise your heart rate and have a fast and very effective workout. Make sure you front knee does not extend past your toes and focus on stabilization and muscle contraction throughout the move. You do not have to incorporate stairs into this!
Butt Blaster on the Ball!
This is my fav ball move. With your back flat on the floor and your ankles resting on the ball, pull the ball towards you and lift your butt off the floor. Feel the burn and blast your butt!!Any questions about specific workout moves, feel free to post a comment!
thanks for the great ideas kim