It can be hard to make changes. The very nature of change, or to disturb our homeostasis, makes our body scream at us to fix it. Our body thinks it is starving! or dying of thirst! or falling asleep! or just can't go on anymore! just because we haven't had our morning bacon and eggs or coffee, or we're trying to run up a flight of stairs and maybe it's been awhile. But that is the start of CHANGE. And if we want to see results, we're going to have to go through the changes necessary to produce them.
Sometimes, when I think I can't climb that last hill, or finish that last 10 minutes of spinning or kickboxing, I say to myself
Which usually helps. I heard this from my friend while we were climbing the Swiss Alps and I didn't think I could raise my leg even one more time to climb another foot (if you have ever been to the Alps you know that they are very steep...and tall). She yelled this at me. I cursed her in my head, but kept moving.
The funny thing is, this little piece of motivation is very true. If we want our muscles to grow, we need to challange them. It takes a stress above what we are already capable of to produce change. So it's that extra mile that counts; that extra lap, that extra staircase (and that one less cookie :) ). This extra bit of effort when we want to quit is what will give us the results that we want to see.
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