When you feel good physically, you feel good mentally. So, if you have healthy, fit and active employees, chances are you have more productive employees. A correlation between health and productivity has never been made using proper scientific methods, although I'm sure this type of research is not far off in the future. What we do have is our intuition and personal experiences, as well as the testaments of successful companies, to tell us that this correlation is real and accurate.
What type of program should your company have? Well, that depends on the needs and wants of the employees. Doing a small survey to see if your employees would use an on-site gym or fitness classes, if they would like seminars or a running group would be helpful. As would an evaluation of their current health, using an HRA (Health Risk Assessment). With this information, a taylored wellness program can reduce your insurance costs and absenteeism, and improve productivity, employee satisfation and be a great recruiting tool for new desireable employees.
If you are looking for a wellness coordinator or consultant, contact me at khand@wellnessinitiatives.net and I can offer some guidance!